Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funds, provided to schools by the Government, to support disadvantaged children who may be vulnerable to under-achievement. The aim of this money is to provide extra support and provision to remove any barriers to learning and improve the attainment whilst ensuring they are in-line with their peers.

Heald Place Primary School receives pupil premium for children who:

  • Are Looked After Children (LAC)
  • Currently claim Free School Meals
  • Are ‘In Service’ by having parents who have served in the armed forces within the last 4 years

Aims of Pupil Premium

  • To ensure that the Pupil Premium Grant is used to provide additional support for the social, emotional, health and well-being of all pupils with potential barriers to learning.
  • To provide pupils with interventions that impact positively on progress and achievement.
  • To close the gap between the achievement and attainment of these pupils and their peers where it exists, with the aim that pupils achieve at least age-related expectations.
  • To support the funding of first hand experiences, activities or trips to ensure that pupils are provided with a rich literate environment to develop spoken and written vocabulary, an inspirational hook and focus for their learning.
  • To ensure that the most able pupils are offered the opportunity to be challenged/provided with enrichment activities either creatively, academically or physically to further excel.

The responsibility for deciding how the Pupil Premium is spent lies with the school, since they know the individual needs of their pupils. We are held accountable for the effective use of the additional funding to support pupils. Please see below how Heald Place allocate Pupil Premium funds.

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Heald Place Primary School

About Us

Heald Place is a very successful primary school situated roughly 2 miles from the centre of Manchester. It serves a rich and diverse community. At its heart are vibrant local businesses with the universities, Manchester Museum, and the Whitworth Art Gallery all within walking distance of the school.

Contact Us

Heald Place, Rusholme, Manchester, M14 7PN

School Reception

0161 224 7079




Mr T Denton